Create an embeddable fragment
This function takes a Mastodon toot identifier, a Mastodon instance, and a Mastodon username to create a fragment that can be embedded in a Markdown file.
- x
A Mastodon toot id
- tokenname
The name of the environment variable containing the rtoot token produced with
.- instance
A Mastodon instance
- username
A Mastodon username
#> Warning:
#> To create this embed fragment, I need to know your username. Store it in an option named 'quartodon_username' using the 'option()' function. For example:
#> option(quartodon_username = 'matherion');
#> Alternatively, you can also rerun this function and specify the username yourself:
#> quartodon::create_embed_fragment(
#> 109445312966461935
#> username = 'YOUR_USERNAME_HERE'
#> );
#> For now, using 'YOUR_USERNAME_HERE' as username in the fragment I generate, so you will have to replace that manually yourself, sorry! (It occurs twice, don't forget to replace both.)
#> This is a Mastodon thread. [The original thread is available here](https://matherion/@YOUR_USERNAME_HERE/109445312966461935){.external target="_blank"}:
#> <iframe src="https://matherion/@YOUR_USERNAME_HERE/109445312966461935/embed" class="mastodon-embed" style="max-width: 100%; border: 0" width="400" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe><script src="https://matherion/embed.js" async="async"></script>